
If you like, click HERE to get a 90-second video introduction to the SYMBIS pre-marriage assessment before you read on.

“We never had pre-marriage counseling – but we spent the first year of our marriage in therapy.” Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, authors of Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts (SYMBIS), Saving Your Second Marriage Before It Starts, as well as a variety of other books, workbooks and curricula.

I first met Dr. Les Parrott in the mid-90s. The Christian treatment center I worked for at the time was hosting a Pastoral Care conference and Les was one of the speakers we brought in to train our attendees. The first SYMBIS book was brand new at the time (that’s what he spoke on). I have been a fan of his and Leslie’s work ever since.

In 2015 I became a certified SYMBIS Assessment Facilitator. Couples spend approximately 30 minutes taking the online assessment, after which I receive a detailed, 16-page report full of information about the couple’s readiness for marriage. I then meet with the couple between 3 and 5 times (depending on their availability and mine) to review their results. When we’re done, they get a copy of their report and along the way we identify many areas of strength in their relationship as well as areas where there’s room for growth.

FYI, working thought the SYMBIS assessment is NOT a requirement for the couples I marry. This is a separate pastoral service I provide (for a separate fee). Some couples I marry will choose to go through the SYMBIS process and some won’t, just as I’ll perform the ceremonies of some of the couples I work with through SYMBIS and some won’t.

Please use our Contact page to ask me any questions you may have.

Pastor Joe Besenjak